Thursday, 14 July 2011

Hay Lakes Ball Tournament

Although this technically does not have much to do with matters pertaining to rural capacity intern work I thought I should send a special shout out and thanks to the volunteers who made the Hay lakes ball tournament go round this past weekend.

Every year, around this time, the small village of Hay Lakes come alive and welcomes teams from far and wide to enjoy a weekend full of good old fashioned baseball, a few burgers (much thanks to the fire department for heading this up) and in my case a weekend full of family fun. For about 5 years now my family has been bringing our tents and ball gloves out to the village and gathering for some weekend fun together. Although the persistent rain did put a bit of a damper on the weekend the tournament still went on and for this all the individuals who organized the annual event deserve many thanks for continuing to bring such events like this to the village of Hay Lakes.

I left on Sunday feeling a little soggy, and perhaps even a little sore from over-use of ball playing muscles, but more importantly I left feeling thankful for local community members who are always willing to offer up their time and energy to make such a great weekend go round!

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